Submit Community Calendar Event

Layton City Policy Regarding the Internet Based Community Calendar

The Layton City Community Calendar is the property of the Layton City, and as such the City reserves the right to post, review and edit, prior to inclusion on the Community Calendar, all electronic event announcement forms received. The Community Calendar will not include information deemed to be or associated with illegal, fraudulent or malicious activity. Unacceptable requests for inclusion on the Community Calendar include communications containing offensive or harassing statements, items not in keeping with community standards, including comments based on race, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion or political beliefs.

Create New Event

Event Time & Date

Event Details

Include http:// or https://

Event Images and Document Upload [Files must be under 2 MB]

Event logos and images are strongly encouraged.


Event Location Details

Events posted on the Layton City Community Calendar should be located within Layton City. Exceptions to this policy will be allowed at the discretion of the Event Calendar Moderator.


Include http:// or https://

Your Details

We ask for this information so that we can contact you with questions about the event you are posting, if necessary. We will not display any of your information on our website.

All Layton City public event submitters shall be clearly identified by their event submissions. Anonymous posting of events shall not be allowed.