Layton City Police
Report a Financial Crime / Identity Theft
Reporting Fraud Or Forgery Crimes
Fraud crimes can cost victims time and money, and damage a reputation that has taken years to establish. You can take steps to protect yourself from fraud and identity theft. Check your credit reports on a regular basis. The three main consumer reporting agencies (Equifax, Trans Union, and Experian), are required by federal law to give you one free report each year. The report can be obtained at www.annualcreditreport.com. Keep your confidential information private. Financial institutions and credit card companies will not ask for your account information over the telephone or email. Stop receiving banking and credit card statements in the mail. Memorize your PIN and don’t keep it in your wallet. If you conduct business online, use your own computer that has up to date anti-virus, anti-spyware, and firewall protection. Don’t store financial information on your cell phone. Don’t open email from strangers. Don’t click on pop-ups. Don’t provide your credit card number online unless you are making a purchase from a Web site you trust. Consider turning off your computer when you’re not using it. Shred old financial statements and credit card receipts.
If you believe you are a victim of fraud, you must first report the crime to the appropriate financial institution. Your financial institution will request that you complete an affidavit of forgery. Essentially, an affidavit of forgery is a declaration that you did not authorize or receive any benefit from the transactions making up your claim. An affidavit is made voluntarily for the purpose of establishing the fact that your signature was a forgery. Once the affidavit is completed, you will need to bring a copy of it to the police department and review the incident with an officer. An officer will not be able to give you a case number unless they have this affidavit of forgery and your current contact information.
Identity Theft
Statement of Facts
Identity Theft Reporting
Identity theft and Internet based fraud are two of the fastest growing areas of criminal enterprise in the US today. The anonymity provided by use of these two methods is very attractive to the criminal element. It is perceived by many of the criminals as a “victimless” crime and is difficult to investigate due many factors. The Layton Police Department is committed to fully investigating as many cases as possible that fall within our jurisdiction. However, due to the very nature of this crime the department is often faced with jurisdictional issues that preclude us from investigating a given case. In an effort to provide a better service to the citizens in our community who have this crime directly impact them we have put together a list of resources and links to help educate, prevent and resolve cases of identity theft and Internet fraud. Please read the following descriptions to help you determine where your individual case should be reported.
-If you have had your personal identifying information used by another person, without your consent, and to obtain goods or services then you may be the victim of identity theft.
-If this has taken place in part or wholly within Layton city limits then the Layton Police Department will have jurisdiction over the case. Please contact the police department by phone at 497-8300. You may also come to the department, which is located at 429 North Wasatch Drive. (Map To Police Department)
-If the identity theft has taken place outside of Layton City, but has occurred within the state of Utah please go to the Utah Attorney General’s site to report the theft. You may reach them by following this link: http://www.idtheft.utah.gov/
-If you are the victim of any other type of Internet based fraud or identity theft then please visit the Internet Crime Complaint Center at http://ic3.gov/. This organization will get your complaint to the appropriate law enforcement agencies for action.
Preventing Identity Theft and Credit Card Fraud
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) maintains a comprehensive list of tips and strategies to help protect you from becoming a victim of identity theft. The FTC site also contains resources for you to use in the event you have your information compromised. Follow this link, http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/microsites/idtheft2012/ to visit the FTC site.
Citizens may also choose to use one of many identity theft protection services. Many of these services contain useful features like monitoring credit history, bank accounts, and public records, as well as providing insurance to protect against financial losses incurred from identity theft. The link below provides comparisons and reviews of many of these products. The Layton Police Department has no affiliation with any of these reviews or products.
Layton City Police Department
429 N Wasatch Dr
Layton, UT 84041