Layton City Police
Internal Affairs

The Layton Police Department takes the professionalism and conduct of our employees seriously, and we always welcome feedback from the public about how we are doing. Residents who have a concern or wish to file a complaint should contact our dispatch center and ask to speak with a supervisor. Our first line supervisors work diligently to listen to concerns and appropriately resolve them.
Complaints of a more serious or criminal nature are referred to the Internal Affairs Office, and are investigated by the Administrative Lieutenant. All complaints will be thoroughly investigated and adjudicated with the goal of maintaining a professional, ethical, and service-minded work force.
To contact a Layton Police Department supervisor, please call (801) 497-8300
To contact the Layton Police Department Internal Affairs Office, see the information below:
Layton Police Department
Internal Affairs Office
429 N Wasatch Dr
Layton, UT 84041
(801) 497-8300
Layton City Police Department
429 N Wasatch Dr
Layton, UT 84041