Layton City Memorials

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Freedom's Memorial Plaza

Freeedom's Memorial Plaza Conecept

"Freedom is never free"

In honor of those from the past, present, and future who will have lived and dedicated their lives, time, and families in defending Freedom.

Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall Replica

Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall

Layton City's Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall Replica

On July 14, 2018, Layton City and the VVA hosted the Layton City Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall Replica Dedication Ceremony. This is a replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington. It lists the names of the more than 58,000 servicemen and women who lost their lives during the Vietnam War. The replica wall in Layton stands 91/2 ft high at the apex. Of the names on the Wall, 366 are from Utah and 6 from Layton City. The walkway around the Wall has 8 benches, each one dedicated to one of the 8 women on the Wall.

Veterans Memorial Park

Veterans Memorial Park

This site was once a part of the railroad station where servicemen and servicewomen said "good-bye" to friends and families before departing to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces. The monument in the park, designed by Layton High School student Jyana Messenger, was dedicated November 11, 2000, to honor those Layton citizens who have served their country in the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard and to keep alive their memory for future generations.

Vietnam War Dog Memorial

War Dog Memorial

Let us forever remember and honor the loyalty and sacrifice of all U.S. War Dogs who have served our country. This Vietnam War Dog Memorial is to honor the War Dogs that served this country during a time when War Dogs were forgotten. In the Vietnam War, 4,900 War Dogs served, with only 204 returning home to U.S. soil. Of the 4,696 dogs who remained, 350 died from combat. The rest were abandoned by the country they served. Possibly 10,000 more names would be listed on the Wall if it were not for these K9 heroes. "To man's best friend sent out in front to search, never taking their next step for granted: You are forever embedded in my heart and soul." Pvt. Johnny Mayo

Battle Cross & Memory Plaque

Museum After Dark - The Search of the Golden Scarab

This arrangement of a fallen soldier's boots, rifle and helmet known as a Battle Cross began in World War I. Since then, when a serviceman or woman is lost on the battlefield, comrades erect a Battle Cross to mark the spot and memorialize his or her supreme sacrifice.

To the men and women that served in the Vietnam War who later died as a result of their service, we honor and remember their sacrifice.