Business Licensing

Business Licensing

New and Renewal Licenses

To apply for a new business license you will need to create a new account with CityInspect. If you have an existing business license that was issued on or before October 2, 2023 you will need to create a new account with CityInspect to renew or terminate your license.

This new account is not associated with Layton City Utilities or Parks and Recreation.

Create an Account  (how do I create an account?)

Already have a CityInspect account? Login to renew or apply for a new license

If you have questions please contact us (801) 336-3788

Thank you for your interest in locating your business in Layton City. A valid Layton City business license is required for all businesses located within the Layton City incorporated limits.

"Business" means all kinds of vocations, occupations, professions, enterprises, establishments, services provided, and all other kinds of commercial activities and matters, including the keeping of a machine, which are conducted for private profit or benefit, either directly or indirectly, on any premises in the City or anywhere else within its jurisdiction.

Business Licensing Fees

All licensing fees are as set forth in the City's Consolidated Fee Schedule. To avoid delays in application approval, please contact Business Licensing to verify the fee associated with your business.

Business License Renewal

Each business license expires 1 year from the date of issuance. 45 days, 30 days, and 15 days before your license expires you will receive an email stating to login to the Business License portal to renew your business license.

IMPORTANT: If your business has had one or more of the following: Location Change, Name Change, or Ownership Change, your current license is not transferable, causing the license to no longer be valid and therefore may not be renewed. A new business license application must be submitted for approval.



Business Licensing
437 N Wasatch Dr
Layton, UT 84041

Phone Numbers:
(801) 336-3788