Business Licensing
How to obtain a business license
Step 1: State Requirements
The following State requirements must be met prior to applying for a Layton City Business License.
Register Your Business Name
All entities conducting business in Utah under an assumed or fictitious (DBA – Doing Business As) name must register such name with the State of Utah Dept. of Commerce. The State has developed an online “One-Stop Business Registration” for your convenience at http://osbr.utah.gov. -
Obtain State Sales Tax Number
If your business will be collecting sales tax (selling or reselling products to consumers) you will need to obtain a Sales and Use Tax Number. This may be done by applying online at www.tax.utah.gov. -
Obtain Employer Related Tax Numbers
If your business has employees or operates as a Corporation or Partnership, you must apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) using the Internal Revenue Service’s Form SS-4. This form can be obtained online at www.irs.gov.
Step 2: Business License Application
Select the appropriate Business Licensing Application, complete all information and submit. Commercial and Home Occupation License Applications must be submitted online. All other applications must be downloaded, filled out with neat, legible handwriting and submitted to the Business Licensing Division at 437 N Wasatch Dr. Layton UT 84041.
Step 3: Application Approval - Planning & Zoning Division
Once the application has been submitted and all information contained thereon is complete and verified, it will be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Division where they will verify if the business will be located within an appropriate zone or if it requires a Conditional Use Permit. For questions regarding Conditional Use Permits, please contact the Planning and Zoning Division at (801) 336-3780.
If there is no missing or inadequate information, or there is no Conditional Use Permit required the Planning Division approval process will take approximately 10-14 business days.
Once the Planning and Zoning Division has approved your application, you will be sent an email stating the license fees that are required and instructions on how to pay them.
Step 4: Building Permit (if applicable)
A building permit is required for all building changes, modifications, additions, and remodels to the building/space (electrical, plumbing, mechanical, structural) along with associated fees. Please contact the Building Division at (801) 336-3760 if you have any questions.
If you have a building permit for your location, the building and/or fire inspections noted in Step 5 will be included as part of the service provided and no additional inspections will be required.
Step 5: Inspections - Building / Fire / Health Department
All new Commercial business licenses require an inspection from the Fire Department. All new Home Occupation business licenses where there are students or clients coming to the home require an inspection from the Building Department. Any business dealing with the handling of food items must have an inspection from the Davis County Health Department.
Once the license fees have been paid and where there has been a $50.00 inspection fee assessed, you will be contacted by either the Fire or Building Department to schedule that inspection. You may contact the Business Licensing Division at (801) 336-3788 if you have not heard from the Fire or Building Departments within three (3) business days after you pay your fees.
Step 6: License Allocation
After the Fire or Building Department, and if applicable the Health Department, have conducted the required inspection(s) and have given occupancy approval, your license will be mailed to you.