The Layton City Fire Department is a career all hazards department. The department's staffing consists of one Battalion Chief, three paramedic engine companies with three personnel each and an additional engine company that specializes as a heavy rescue. There are five ambulances that are staffed with two personnel each at the Advanced EMT level. The minimum daily staffing is 22 split between four fire stations.
Layton City Fire Department protects 25 square miles including unincorporated areas of Davis County bordering Layton City.
Emergency and Response Services:
- Fire Suppression and Extinguishment
- Fire Cause and Origin Investigations
- Ambulance Service at an Advanced EMT Level (Scene Response and Intrafacility Transfers)
- Paramedic Rescue Services (Advanced Life Support)
- Hazardous Materials Response (Operations and Technician Level)
- Technical Rescue Services (Trench / Confined Space, High Angle / Mountain Rescue, Automobile / Machinery Extrication)
- Evidentiary Blood Draws For The Police Department (DUI and Drug Arrests)
- Mutual Aid To Surrounding Fire Departments As Requested
Public Education and Relations Services:
- Elementary School All Risk Education Program (All Participating Elementary Schools in Layton City)
- Fire Prevention Week Open House
- EMS Week Presentation
- Fire Extinguisher and Safety Class to Local Businesses
- Public Speaking and Fire Safety Education at Local Civic Groups as Requested
- CERT Training
- Fire Station Tours
- Fourth of July Public Fireworks Display
Fire Prevention Services:
- Fire Code Compliance Inspections (Day Cares, Retail, Hospital, Manufacturing, Public Assembly, etc.)
- Engine Company Inspections on Commercial Occupancies (General Housekeeping, Pre-Fire Planning, Emergency Contact Information)
- Plan Reviews New Construction ( Site Access, Hydrant Location, Fire Alarm and Suppression Systems)
Fire Prevention
Open Burning Regulations
City, County and State laws regulate open Burning in Layton City. Burning in Davis County as a whole is limited to agricultural burning or a recreational fire as defined below. To qualify for agricultural open burning you must have 2 acres of farmland, which is used for crop growth or have a fruit orchard with 25 or more fruit trees. Agricultural open burning is limited to organic items, which are incidental, and essential to the agricultural operation "NO TRASH OR YARD WASTE". An example of items which may be burned are: fence lines on cultivated property, stubble fields, ditch banks, weeds when clearing land to be planted and trimmings from fruit trees when in conjunction with an orchard. State law requires that farmers who are going to burn those items notify the nearest fire department prior to burning.Layton City requires that you notify the fire department at (336-3940) and provide them with the start and end times of the burn, an address where the burning will occur, the name and a phone number of the responsible party for the burn and the materials that you will be burning. In addition, Layton City limits open burning to daylight hours and on days that the clean air index, provided by The Davis County Health Department, allows. All agricultural fires must be kept a minimum of 50 feet from structures. The responsible party must have a water supply or other means to control the fire. The fire must be constantly attended until completely out. The Chief of the Fire Department is authorized to make and adopt rules in regards to the open burning regulations. Said rules are subject to the review of the City Manager and City Council.
Layton City Fire Guidelines
Burning Allowed with Notification:Camp Fires or recreational or cooking fires:
- Must be clean dry wood
- Must be kept under 3' in diameter
- Must be kept under 2' in pile height
- Must be kept a minimum 25' from all structures and other combustibles
- Must be constantly attended by a person eighteen years of age or older
- Must have bucket of water hose or other means to extinguish
- Must be used solely for cooking or recreational purposes
- Must own the property or have written permission to kindle the fire
- Must have 2 acres of cultivated land or a fruit orchard of 25 or more fruit trees
- Must be incident to and essential to the agricultural operation
- Must be constantly attended
- To be conducted during daylight hours only
- Must have means to extinguish or control the fire
- Must be kept a minimum of 50' from all structures
- Must comply with air quality index (except for ditch banks, cannel banks, fence lines on cultivated land. They are still asked to comply with air quality index)
- When any of the above burning is creating a public hazard the on duty fire officer may have the fire extinguished. When weather or other conditions make burning a hazard, such as winds etc. The officer on duty may deny all burning requests.
The Layton Fire Department has a full-time Fire Marshal, Deputy Fire Marshal, Fire inspector, and part-time Public Education Specialist. Their duties include plan reviews for new/remodeled structures in the city, conducting inspections from the building phase to the ongoing maintenance of the structures, fire code enforcement, post fire investigations to determine fire cause and origin, ongoing public education programs, and other Community Risk Reduction activities. Education services include: school presentations, CERT trainings, and fire extinguisher trainings. The Kendal O. Bryant Fire Prevention Open House is held the last Wednesday in September at Fire Station 51. Please call 801-336-3940 to request an inspection, training, or have any other questions/concerns.
Please see the Utah State Fire Marshal’s Office for current firework restrictions, maps, and discharge dates. https://firemarshal.utah.gov/department-services/fireworks/
We are checking for general fire code compliance and life safety issues. Commonly found violations include: improper maintenance of means of egress, improper maintenance of fire protection systems, expired keys in the Knox Box for first responder access, and improper storage of hazardous materials. The inspector will identify issues in a report with a timeline for compliance.
Contractor(s) Forms/Downloads
Fireworks Sales Permit
- Fireworks Business License Application (for all stand/tent/trailer Firework Sales)
- Fire Dept. Firework Sales Permit Application (for Indoor & Outdoor Firework Sales)
- Pyrotechnic Permit Application (for public display of pyrotechnics)