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Ground Water Protection

A portion of the drinking water supplied to Layton City is groundwater that comes from several City-owned wells. Layton City Municipal Code Section 13.11 outlines the City’s plan to protect this valuable groundwater source. Part of the plan includes identifying geographic areas of the City to be designated protection zones. Any property within these areas has the potential of discharging contaminants that may be introduced to the groundwater supply and contaminate the drinking water source.

Layton City would like to request your cooperation in protecting the drinking water supply, especially if you are located within these protected areas. Potential contaminants of concern include fertilizers, pesticides, and household hazardous wastes stored or used at your property. Downloadable fact sheets describing proper handling, storage, and use of these materials are available below. A map that shows the location of the City’s protected areas (shaded in blue) is also downloadable.

In the event of a contaminant release from your property, immediately contact the City Engineer, Water Supervisor, and/or Water Engineer at Layton City. The telephone numbers for these offices are as follows:

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact Stacy Majewski at the number listed above or through the Feedback Page. Thank you for your cooperation.