Storm Water & Floodplain Information
Storm Water Management Program
Reporting Spills and Illegal Dumping
Layton City Storm Water Management Program
Layton City is required to comply with “Phase II” storm water regulations under the Clean Water Act. The City has a Storm Water Management Program intended to meet the regulations and prevent pollution from entering the streams. Comments, concerns, and questions relating to this program can be submitted using the link at the bottom of this page in the Comments and Feedback section.
Layton City Storm Water Management Program
MS4 General Permit - 2023
Storm Water Information for Developers and Contractors
Layton City's Development Guidelines & Design Standards Section 6, Storm Drainage and SWPPP, provides developers and contractors with storm water requirements for new developments and construction projects. See the links below for the Development Guidelines & Design Standards and other helpful documents and sites:
Construction Site MS4 Oversite Inspection SOP
Operators Electronic Site Inspection Guide
SWPPP Evaluation Form - CGP
SWPPP Evaluation Form - CPP
Development Guidelines & Design Standards
Storm Water Quality Report Template
SWPPP CGP Template
Storm Water Best Management Practices
A Guide to Low Impact Development within Utah
DEQ - Utah Department of Environmental Quality
Storm Water Drainage Wells: Utah UIC Program
Utah City Engineers Association Storm Water Specifications
Contact the Layton City Engineering Department for any additional information regarding storm water requirements: 801.336.3700.
Davis County Storm Water Coalition Information
Layton City has teamed up with other communities within Davis County to reduce pollution from entering the storm drains and receiving waters, comply with storm water regulations, and receive input from stakeholders. The Coalition has regular meetings that are open to the public. For more information or to become involved with the coalition, please contact Layton City Engineering at 801.336.3700.
Davis County Storm Water Coalition
Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Brochures available for download
Tips for the Automotive Industry
Tips for Fueling Stations
Tips for Landscapers
Tips for Mobile Cleaners
Tips for Septic Systems
Tips for Pools and Spas
Household Hazardous Waste Disposal
To properly dispose of hazardous waste items such as Paints, Oils, Solvents, Pesticides, etc. these items should be taken to Wasatch Integrated Waste Management. For more information visit Wasatch Integrated Waste Management's website.
Floodplain Information
Booklet Available for Download by clicking icon above
This booklet has information about:
- flooding history in Utah
- what to do before, during, and after a flood
- flash floods, stream bank flooding, alluvial fan flooding, debris flow, mud slides, dam breaks, and other flooding hazards
- urban storm water and pollution prevention
- understanding FEMA special flood hazard areas
- flood insurance
- elevation certificates
Link to the official website of the National Flood Insurance Program: https://www.floodsmart.gov/
Flood Hazard Maps and Related Information
The US Congress has mandated all federally insured lenders to require flood insurance on properties that are located in "Special Flood Hazard Areas" which are those areas determined to have a 1% or greater chance of flooding in any given year. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) issues maps known as Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), to help determine the flood risks for real property. FIRMs can be viewed over the internet using FEMA's Map Service Center: https://msc.fema.gov/portal/home. The Layton City Engineering Department can assist inquirers about flood insurance and flood information for specific properties as follows: the flood zone, whether a property is in a "floodway", flood depth (where information is available), flood-related hazards, natural floodplain functions, and flood protection measures. Copies of FEMA Elevation Certificates are available for some of the properties.
Flood Plain Development Permit
A floodplain development permit is required for any work that is done within the special flood hazard area. All development within the special flood hazard area must meet the Layton City Flood Damage Prevention requirements outlined in Section 15.28 of the Municipal Code.